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Parent Resources

Communication & Notices for Parents and Families

Frequently Asked Questions

SC Broadcast

A weekly email sent to all families who have given their email address to the school. Full of important and useful information. If you are not receiving this and wish to, simply update your Family Access account. 

Daily Bulletin (on our home page)

Information and details relating to school events including the schedule. This information is included in the SC Broadcast.

SC Scoop Newsletter

A monthly online publication by the SC PTSA


Our web calendar is a great place to find out what is coming up at SC.

Family Access Website

Allows students and parents/guardians access to view student attendance, schedules, report card grades, progress report grades, fees and fines, and food service balances. This is where the official contact and emergency information is kept so it is important you make sure this is up to date in order for us to reach you. Family Access updates in real time so all information is current. Students have access but with fewer privileges. It is therefore important to safeguard passwords. Access information is mailed home at the end of September. If you need additional help, please contact our registrar, Stephanie Mondragon-Flores.


Allows students and parents/guardians access to view classroom grades, assignment, and information. If you need additional help, please look at our Canvas page or contact the counseling office.  Teacher Class Websites – To view individual teacher classroom assignments, information, and email you will need to go to the teacher’s CANVAS website. Instruction for parents on how to access Canvas: also translated in AmharicArabic ChineseKoreanSpanishVietnamese.

Staff Email

Staff emails can be found in our staff directory.