1964 |
For information, visit: www.shorecrest64.org |
1965 |
For details, contact Bruce Christenson at hollywood1947@hotmail.com or 425-814-5948. |
1966 |
no information received |
1967 |
For information, visit: www.ReunionsWithClass.com |
1968 |
Contact Diane (Edwards) Watanabe legacy95@comcast.net or Kent Chaplin bakpchap@msn.com or Linda (Case) Olson 206-363-8408 |
1969 |
Our 50th class reunion will be September 14, 2019. Please go to the class website listed and sign in for details. www.shorecrest1969.com. Contact: Cathi Hatch Hoffman at Shorecrest1969@aol.com |