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1970 For information, visit:
1971 For information, visit:
1972 For information, visit:
1973 For information, visit:

For information, visit:

Also please join our private facebook group Shorecrest High School Class of '74 | Facebook to keep in touch.

Finally, we are also on We use all three of these sites to keep in contact with our fellow alumni.

1975 For information, visit:
1976 no information received
1977 For information, visit:
1978 Class of 1978 40th Reunion is Saturday September 29, 2018 at Inglewood Golf Club. Please send your contact info including your First, Last, and Maiden Name; home address; e-mail address; and phone number to Bryce James at 206-910-2701 or Please join the Facebook group ‘Shorecrest ‘78’ to connect with classmates and to see reunion information.
1979 For information, visit: or contact via phone at 425-644-1044.