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Course Details:

All teaching staff maintain a course website on Canvas. Read more about how to log in to Canvas.

Academic Excellence

Since its opening in 1961, Shorecrest has strived for excellence in academics. Students work hard to achieve the high academic and personal standards that have long been associated with Shorecrest.

Academic Plans

At the beginning of each semester, teachers will distribute to their classes a copy of the Academic Plan for that course. Students and their parent or guardian are both required to read and sign a plan for each class. Knowing the contents of Academic Plans can help students to succeed.

Grading Scale and GPA

There are eleven standard letter grades that students can receive at Shorecrest. Each grade is assigned a grade point value which is used to determine the grade point average (GPA). These grades and their values are shown below:

A ( 4.0 )           B+ ( 3.3 )           C+ ( 2.3 )           D+ ( 1.3 )           F ( 0.0 )
A– ( 3.7 )           B ( 3.0 )           C ( 2.0 )           D ( 1.0 )              
              B– ( 2.7 )           C– ( 1.7 )                            


In addition, P (pass) and S (satisfactory) grades may also be given, subject to specific guidelines. Note that there is no A+ or D– grade. NC means No Credit. NC may be used for the course because:

  • It was a non-credit course.
  • The student entered class after the first three weeks.
  • The student was passing but had 10 or more absences.

A grade of I (incomplete) may be given if a student is passing a class but has outstanding fees or work. A grade of I is converted to F five weeks after the beginning of the next semester if the incomplete situation has not been fulfilled.

To determine a GPA, add up the values of the semester grades and divide that total by the number of courses taken. An F grade results in 0 grade points but is still included in the GPA. Grades of NC, S, and P do not affect the GPA.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards are issued four times each year, at the end of each quarter, but the official cumulative GPA includes only semester grades and not quarter grades. Honors or Advanced classes are not weighted and count the same as a regular class toward the GPA.

Class Withdrawals

Students can withdraw from a class within the first three weeks of the semester (through the third Friday of the semester) and the class will not show on the transcript. If the withdraw is anytime during the 4th, 5th, or 6th week of a class (by the sixth Friday of the semester) and the student is passing, the class will show on the transcript with a grade of “W” (no credit; does not affect GPA). If the withdraw is during the 4th, 5th, or 6th week of a class and the student is failing, an "F" will show on the transcript. If the withdraw is after the sixth Friday of the semester, an "F" will show on the transcript.

Senior Culminating Project

All seniors are required to successfully plan, prepare, present, and assess a Senior Project as a graduation requirement. The project is coordinated through the Career and College Readiness Office and focuses on developing a plan for after high school.

Running Start

Juniors and Seniors may earn high school and community college credit without charge for tuition through the Running Start program. Students must provide their own transportation and purchase their own books. With the exception of P.E., Shoreline School District graduation requirements are not waived for Running Start students. Running Start courses may, however, satisfy particular graduation requirements (e.g., vocational credit, fine arts credit, etc.)

Guidance Counseling

Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, study help, help with home, school and/or social concerns, or any questions students would like to discuss with a counselor. If you wish to visit a counselor, contact the counseling center to arrange for an appointment.

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) exemplifies scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Eligible for membership are sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher. There is an application process that takes place in February of each year. To remain a member students must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA and participate in official NHS sponsored activities every semester.