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"Anyone can lead, because anyone can serve." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

ASB/Leadership Goal 2024-2025: With kindness, we will cultivate an inclusive and equitable community that enables everyone to thrive.

Student leaders are the heart of Shorecrest! All students have the potential to be leaders because all students can serve. We encourage all interested students to find ways to get involved at Shorecrest, either by signing up for Intro to Leadership class, running for Student Council in their Highlander Home Class or ASB office, participating in school-wide culture/community projects, or joining students activities or clubs. In ASB & Leadership, we work hard to ensure that all Scots feel welcomed and included while enjoying a rich high school experience. We are servant leaders, serving our school while striving to improve our character through practicing the Eight Essentials.

Student Council 2024-2025: Folder of Minutes

ASB Officers

ASB Officers 2024-2025. Advisor: Johanna Phillips

ASB Core

ASB Core: President - Meili Li, Vice-President - Zach Simons, Secretary - Vivi Hakim, Treasurer - Ally Miner. Advisor: Johanna Phillips

No Picture - Senior Senators: Sosena Berhane, Jonas deLangen, Dylan DelRosario, Lux Mendoza. Advisors: Kathy Elwell, Elizabeth Hinson, Brynne Saskor

Junior Senators

Junior Senators: Dylan Bautista, Eva Cala, Matteo Marre, Riley Shi. Advisors: Siri Hulbert & Gabe Martinez.

Sophomore Senators

Sophomore Senators: Mariam Desta, William Lee, Mykah Redaja, Laith Salem. Advisors:  Micaela Canedo & Mario Orallo.

No Picture. Freshmen Senators: Eleanor Corbin, Keely Nevens, LaRenz Maldenado. Kash Yalowicki. Advisor: Johanna Phillips.

Site Council

Site Council: Seniors: Linnea Claar & Mia Habermann. Members:  Rio Cameron, Zoya Fabris, Abigail Poor, Steffi Wong. Not pictured: Site Council class of 2028: Maria Graciano & Charlie Mueller. Advisor: Johanna Phillips and Chad Towe.


Justices: Chief Justices: Millie Wang & Sasha Zaprzalka. Juniors: Fenix McGillie & Vivian Rzegocki. Advisor: Johanna Phillips.


ASB Tech: Senior - Elliot Krawczyk & Junior - Jack Wilson. Advisor: Johanna Phillips.

School Board Student Representatives: Senior - Aiden Rouhani & Junior - Izzy Frain.